Saturday, October 3, 2015

My Problem, And How It Benefits You…

My problem, besides the fact that this photo is blurry and totally unfocused (lol), is that I have some extra time on my hands for the month of October.

It's a sad, sad story. One you probably don't want to hear. Heh. The short version: I was engaged, I was happy, we were meant to move in together last month, he bailed, it's over. There ya go.

Unlike the photo, I am focused. :)

Sure I'm struggling. This has been the kind of hell nobody would want to go through. Yes, it sucks.

That said, I'm handling it like a champ. After the necessary state of shock, I sat down and made a "Lynn List" - basically a "here's what you do now!" list.

It includes a lot of sunshine, serious workouts, ambitious goals, traveling, and all the GOOD things life should hold.

What I do NOT want to do is sit around twiddling my thumbs...

I refuse to let this consume me, derail me, or keep me down. It's far too easy for that to happen when life throws you a curve ball - but I am NOT that person.

I want to use this time to do some GOOD. That's where you come in...

In the best of timing this falls at the beginning of Q4, and right when we're going into the highest profit months of the year. This is the ideal time for you to buckle down, finish the year strong, and close out 2015 out with record sales & growth!

I Can Help You Achieve Your Q4 Goals

It's rare that I offer private consulting or personal mentoring. Especially at such a low rate! But I have set up a seriously sweet deal for a short time. If you need a BIG boost for this final quarter, you'll want to get in touch with me ASAP.

See the two new buttons at the top of this page:

This is limited to the first 10 people that take action (3 are already claimed). If you don't see the buttons, those spots have been taken.

Why am I being so generous?

I need something worthwhile to do to fill my extra time. I need something positive to focus on. I love making a difference. It is a total pick-me-up to know that I've helped someone else achieve their goals! I especially love working with action-takers that are excited about starting a business, or taking their business to the next level.

Letting me help you... will help me too. So thank you in advance!

This May Not Be Right For You...

Maybe it's not right for you, or maybe it's just not the right timing. I get that. You may not be right for me either, in which case I would simply give you a full refund. :) LOL. The deal won't last long though, so if you think it's something you'll want to take advantage of "soon" - I can give you up to six months to schedule your session(s).

This may be a better option for you:

My Private Brainstorming Group is the absolute BEST deal if you want serious hands-on help with your blog or business, with personal mentoring and accountability. You also get access to my popular Social Marketing Results training program, and my step-by-step Niche Success Blueprint.

I have reopened the inexpensive monthly option at only $37, which makes it a no-brainer to join and get personal help directly from me in my private forum.

Why You Should Let Me Help You Succeed

I'm the kind of person you want to work with. I'm driven, motivated, disciplined, I push through my fears and doubts, I get things DONE, and I'm successful at what I do.

I actually DO what I teach, too. It's rare you'll find that in a mentor or coach. I work online myself, in the trenches. I've been working online for almost 19 years in a variety of niches and business models, plus I've been blogging for more than 11 years.

Whatever you're struggling with, whether you're just starting out or have a six-figure business already, whatever you want to accomplish... I can help you with that.

Ready To Get Started? Let's Talk!

First, click here. Scan over the page and decide if that's the right option for you. If you need personal one-on-one private coaching, it IS the right option for you.

Also check out my Private Brainstorming Group while the rates are still super low. I host a live Brainstorming Hour twice a week, and work with every single member personally. The group is actually a great addition to your private session, as I would love to continue working with you step-by-step to achieve your goals.

If you have any questions, email me!

Sometimes you get in a rut - trust me, I've been there...

I can get you OUT of that rut, FAST, and back on a serious roll!

I look forward to working with you. :)

In the meantime, I'm off to master my inbox then work on a new product - because this woman does NOT twiddle her thumbs. LOL. Have a great weekend!


p.s. Be sure to read and do the quick 5-Question Brainstorming Exercise on that page, because we're already into the 4th Quarter... and you can't afford to waste any more time. 😉 *cheers*

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