Monday, February 22, 2016

How to Add an Author Info Box in WordPress Posts

Do you want to add an author bio box in your WordPress posts? The author bio box is a small section where you can display information about the post author with links to their website and social profiles. In this article, we will show how to add an author info box in WordPress.

Adding author info box in WordPress

Why and When You Need an Author Info Box in WordPress

Seeing an actual person behind the content helps build credibility and strengthens your sites authority among users.

For single author websites, you can just add an about me page. But for a multi-author WordPress sites, you will need to add an author info box below each post.

The author box encourages authors to interact with readers. It provides an additional incentive to authors to build their own following.

If you accept guest posts from other bloggers on your website, then an author info box will help you gain more traction on your site.

Having said that, lets take a look at how to easily add an author info box in WordPress posts.

Adding Author Info Box in WordPress Posts

There are many different ways that you can use to add an author info section. We will show you a two different plugins as well as the code method. This way you can choose a method that works best for your site.

Method 1: Author Box Below WordPress Posts Using Plugin

Most site owners want to display author information at the end of a post. Here is how you can easily display an author info box at the end of WordPress posts.

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Guerrillas Author Box plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Each author on your site will need to add their biographical information and links to their user profiles. They can do this by logging in to their WordPress account on your website and then click on the Profile link from the WordPress admin menu.

User editing their own profile in WordPress

As a site administrator, you can also fill in this information yourself by editing each users profile. You will need to visit Users All User page, and then click on the edit link below the user you want to edit.

Editing user profiles by an Administrator in WordPress

You can now visit any WordPress post on your site, and you will see the author info box below the post.

Author info box added with plugin

The plugin uses the default WordPress avatar system, called Gravatar. Your authors will need to add their photo on Gravatar website. For more information take a look at our guide about Gravatar, and why you should start using it right away.

Customizing Appearance of Author Info Box

Guerrillas Author Box plugin comes with very basic CSS. It inherits the link and text colors from your WordPress theme.

However, if you want to customize it, and you are comfortable working with CSS, then you can copy the plugins default CSS and paste it in your theme or child themes stylesheet.

Here is a sample CSS that you can use as a starting point. We have changed the background color and made the author photo round instead of square.

.guerrillawrap {
background: #ECECEC;
border: 1px solid #d0d0d0;
float: left;
padding: 2%;
width: 100%;

.guerrillagravatar {
float: left;
margin: 0 10px 0 0;
width: 10%;

.guerrillagravatar img {
border:1 px solid #eee;

.guerrillatext {
float: left;
width: 84%;

.guerrillatext h4 {
font-size: 20px;
line-height: 20px;
margin: 0 0 0 0;
padding: 0;

.guerrillatext p {
margin: 10px 0 15px 0;
font-style: italic;

.guerrillasocial {
float: left;
width: 100%;

.guerrillasocial a {
border: 0;
margin-right: 10px;

This is how author info box looked on our demo website after applying this CSS. Yours may look slightly different depending on the fonts and colors used by your WordPress theme.

Author info box with rounded avatar

Method 2: Author Info in Sidebar Widget For Single Posts

The above method is great if you wanted to display the author info below posts.However, some of you may want to display author bio in the sidebar or any widget ready area.

Here is how you can display author info in a sidebar widget.

First thing you need to do is install and activate Meks Smart Author Widget plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit Appearance Widgets page. There you will find Meks Smart Author under the list of available widgets. Add this widget to the sidebar where you want to display the author information.

Smart author widget

The widget comes with a number of options. Most important option that you need to check is the checkbox next to Automatically detect author option.

Auto detect author widget

Click on the save button to store your widget settings. You can now visit your website to see the author information widget in action.

Author info widget in WordPress

This plugin also fetches user information from their WordPress profile. Your authors will need to fill their biographical information.

Method 3: Adding Author Info Box Using Code

Both methods described above rely on plugins. If for some reason you need to add author info box manually, then here is how you can do it.

First you need to add this code to your themes functions.php file or a site-specific plugin.

function wpb_author_info_box( $content ) {

global $post;

// Detect if it is a single post with a post author
if ( is_single() && isset( $post->post_author ) ) {

// Get author's display name
$display_name = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $post->post_author );

// If display name is not available then use nickname as display name
if ( empty( $display_name ) )
$display_name = get_the_author_meta( 'nickname', $post->post_author );

// Get author's biographical information or description
$user_description = get_the_author_meta( 'user_description', $post->post_author );

// Get author's website URL
$user_website = get_the_author_meta('url', $post->post_author);

// Get link to the author archive page
$user_posts = get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' , $post->post_author));

if ( ! empty( $display_name ) )

$author_details = '

About ' . $display_name . '


if ( ! empty( $user_description ) )
// Author avatar and bio

$author_details .= '

' . get_avatar( get_the_author_meta('user_email') , 90 ) . nl2br( $user_description ). '


$author_details .= '';

} else {
// if there is no author website then just close the paragraph
$author_details .= '


// Pass all this info to post content
$content = $content . '
' . $author_details . '
return $content;

// Add our function to the post content filter
add_action( 'the_content', 'wpb_author_info_box' );

// Allow HTML in author bio section
remove_filter('pre_user_description', 'wp_filter_kses');

This code simply fetches the author information and displays it below WordPress posts. You need to style this author info box so that it looks nice and matches your WordPress theme.

You can use this CSS into your theme or child themes stylesheet. Feel free to modify it to meet your needs.

background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F5F5F5;
padding: 15px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;

font-weight: bold;

.author_details img {
border: 1px solid #D8D8D8;
border-radius: 50%;
float: left;
margin: 0 10px 10px 0;

This is how the author info box looked on our demo site.

Manual author info box

We hope this article helped you add author info box in WordPress posts. You may also want to see our guide on how to add or remove capabilities to user roles in WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add an Author Info Box in WordPress Posts appeared first on WPBeginner.

Six unusual steps for a successful Twitter lead generation campaign

Do you want more qualified leads?

Twitter can generate qualified leads at a lower cost than most of the other major ad platforms. Its true! But not if you follow Twitters instructions.

Why? Because Twitters advice for creating lead generation cards is completely wrong.

In this post, youll discover my unusual six-step strategy for using Twitter lead generation cards for ludicrously successful lead gen.

Please note: this article was first published on the Wordstream blog last week, and it was so darn helpful that we wanted to share it here.

Step 1: Set up Conversion Tracking. Just do it!

This is kind of buried in the user interface, but its actually the most important thing you need to do. Without conversion tracking set up youre blind.

All the major platforms, except for Twitter, have a universal tag where you put in one tag on your site so you can figure out the conversions just by typing in the URL.

But on Twitter you have to create different JavaScript tags for each thank you page. Each one gets a name and you can categorize the type (download, purchase, sign-up) so that you can report on it later.


Im blown away how many people forget this critical step. Basically you need to define a different conversion pixel for every goal completion on your site so that you can track whether everything is working.

Step 2: Choose your Twitter Ads campaign type wisely

There are six pay-per-performance campaign types, depending on your marketing objective. You specify the most youre willing to pay for each type of campaign.


Why not just specify $0.01 as your cost per action? Well, basically if you set the bids too low, youll get no impressions. Its an auction. Chances are other Twitter advertisers are willing to pay more than a penny.

The more youre willing to pay, the more likely your ads will be shown. You have to figure out what its worth to you; Twitter will figure out how much quantity youll get for that amount.

As for the campaign types, even though tweet engagements are the most popular type of ad campaign, they offer the absolute worst ROI. Avoid like the plague!

Why? Twitter charges per engagement. This includes engagements such as a person viewing your profile page, expanding your image, expanding the tweet from the tweet stream, or clicking on a hashtag. Twitter will love taking your money, but these campaigns wont help you achieve any of your marketing objectives as you waste your budget.

What you should really be interested in paying for is website clicks, app installs, followers, leads, or actual video views.

Step 3: adjust your Twitter Ad targeting options

At the basic level, you can simply target Twitter users by location, gender, and language.


Twitter also provides somewhat more advanced options:


These advanced targeting options include:

  • Keywords: You will target specific searches or users who use with certain keywords in tweets.

  • Followers: You will target accounts of people with interests similar to followers of those accounts. For example, entering @SMExaminer will target people who are likely to be interested in social media.

  • Interests: You will target users interested in any categories you enter.

  • Tailored audiences: This is the crown jewel of Twitter advertising. Remarketing and custom lists are so powerful. Spend here first! Tailored audiences offer the best ROI because you have certainty over who youre targeting. People who are more familiar with your brand are more likely to buy its your lowest-hanging fruit.

  • TV targeting: You will target people who are interested in a specific program, TV network, or TV genre.

  • Behaviors: You will target users who share specified online and offline behaviors and characteristics.

  • Tweet engager: This is a brand new option its kind of like remarketing for Twitter. Its targeting people who interacted with your tweets in the last few days. If you have a business where you need to get lots of people really excited about something (like a political party trying to energize the base ahead of an election), then this can be a powerful type of targeting.

  • Event targeting: You will target people who are interested in global or regional events.

Step 4: Create your ad But DONT use Twitter lead generation cards!

Now its time to create your lead gen ad. Twitter tells you to use a lead generation card. WRONG!

Never, ever use Twitters Lead Generation Cards for lead generation. I have run thousands of campaigns and the lead generation cards consistently lose and lose badly.

Even though it has a nice layout with customizable call-to-action buttons like buy now and all sorts of fancy bells and whistles, it looks more like an ad. Twitter people are allergic to advertising; when they see a Twitter ad it makes them want to click on it less!

If something looks like an ad on Twitter, users will ignore you! That means lower engagement and 2-4x higher costs.

Instead you should just attach a funny photo. Use images that have done well organically to save money.

Go nuts on the image you choose. Dont be afraid to be a bit snarky or goofy. Use funny images or memes, even if it means going a bit off-brand. Twitter is a place where youll be rewarded if your brand shows it can have a bit of fun (within good taste, of course), or youll be ignored if you go all corporate.

And of course, use emojis to further increase engagement rates by 30%.

Step 5: Set Bids No Automatic Bidding Allowed

Okay, first: Never ever use Twitters Automatic Bidding. Its for suckers.

Automatic bidding will make sure your budget is spent very quickly. Sure, it helps you win ad auctions, but you dont really have to or want to win every auction.

Keep in mind its not like search advertising where youre bidding on rare priceless keywords that get searched on 10 times per year. This is display advertising and there are plenty of ad spots available to buy.

Always use maximum bidding. For most companies doing lead generation, its not the end of the world if the lead comes in tomorrow vs. today.

The only time you would use automatic bidding is if you need to promote something heavily and you need those ad impressions today (e.g., you have a 24-hour sale) or if youre targeting a very tight audience, maybe 1,000 people. In these cases, then you do have to use auto bidding or just bid really high.


Okay, so how the heck do you set bids? Its seriously complicated its pretty much rocket science.

You need to use The Force.

Basically, youre trying to get as many impressions as you can for as little money as possible. If you bid too low your ads wont show. But if you bid too high your budget will die.

When you bid too high, youre essentially paying for premium next-day air service when usually (99% of the time) a regular postage stamp will suffice. Youre paying much more for the same clicks in order to be delivered faster.

Twitter has a tool that shows how your reach changes based on different maximum bid amounts.


Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! Its completely wrong. Even when it says I will get no impressions, I get millions of impressions. It is just trying to get you to raise bids.

Ive reverse-engineered the Twitter ad auction. Basically Twitter determines if your ads show or not based on your effective CPM. (Your max bid times applicable predicted engagement rate). So if your bid is $1 per click and youre doing a click campaign using an ad that is averaging a 1% click-through rate, then your predicted effective CPM is $10.

To win more ad auctions, you have two choices: either bid more or post higher engagement stuff.

I love promoting high engagement tweets (15%+ engagement rates) with very low maximum CPCs (5-10 cents). The higher the engagement, the less youll need to bid for your ads to be eligible to show.

Step 6: Report. Rinse. Repeat

Your last step is to figure out how things did. You can get detailed information about exactly what happened after spending money on Twitter ads: clicks, retweets, followers, conversions, etc.


In the above campaign you can see that we were able to generate 440 downloads for just $6.50 per action. Thats extremely cost-effective compared to other marketing channels. In comparison search ads in this vertical can cost closer to $5 per click (not per download).

Delete campaigns that arent working. Double down on stuff that works. Repeat.


Twitter can be very powerful. For example, Twitter ad campaigns can deliver a great return on your investment once you master the Twitter ads quality score algorithm.

But you have to avoid the pitfalls (hello, Tweet Engagement campaigns!). When it comes to advice, Twitter cant be trusted. Forget everything Twitter has tried to tell you about lead generation. Ignore Twitters best practice advice on bidding, creative, audience targeting, campaign types and pretty much everything else.

Instead, do Twitter lead generation my way. The RIGHT way. :)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

How To Use Google Adsense For Affiliate Leads

I mentioned this tip in the Live Q&A Sessions this week, but I wanted to show you a live illustration and explain how I use Google Adsense for "lead gen" as an affiliate...

Affiliate Marketing Adsense Tip

The screenshot above is a post I was writing on my niche blog this morning. Google Adsense is just one of the ways I monetize that blog, and I am always scanning the ads that display with my content for potential money-makers.

There are two VERY GOOD reasons you would want to do this...

In this particular example (the image above) the ad is for a product my target market would be interested in. I never click on my own ads, but rather open a new tab and go find the website. This one was easy because they placed the URL right on the ad. :)

I looked it up and discovered they do indeed have an affiliate program.


This is exactly how I find most of the products I end up promoting as an affiliate.

It's fast, easy and efficient!

What if they don't have an affiliate program? That happens too. But you have to keep in mind that they are actively marketing their product, and they are paying (via Google Adwords) to put that product in front of their target market.

That means they have an objective... and an advertising budget! So even if they don't have an affiliate program, or perhaps you simply can't find it, these are the perfect merchants and brands to contact and strike a profitable deal with. :)

If you're not sure how to pitch brands and merchants, Shannon Acheson has a great guide that's also full of templates and fill-in-the-blank pitches.

See Making Money With Brands & Sponsors.

If you're NOT doing this... you're leaving A LOT of money on the table!

Google Adsense is a great way to monetize your content. But it's pennies compared to what you could earn as an affiliate for the same products, or by working with those companies directly on a paid campaign.

I love ads. I love them on sites I frequent, I love them on Facebook, and I love the ads that put money in my pocket. :) They are great to study and learn from, and they are also great for finding awesome new products to recommend to your audience - like I illustrated here.

My next step? I'll sign up for the affiliate program, then I'll purchase the product myself. Not just to test & review it, but also to review the buying process and the shipping - to get a REAL feel for what it's like to be their customer, before I send my own readers their way.

So there you have it... a great reason to fall in love with Adsense - again. :)


Lynn Terry

p.s. I have a 4-part series on how to sell advertising and work with sponsors & brands you may like. It's a great addition to Shannon's guide. That series is part of my popular Niche Success Blueprint, and you'd be smarter to just get the entire blueprint/course free as a member of my Private Brainstorming Group.

Google is removing all Right Hand Side Ads on SERPs worldwide

As reported and confirmed by numerous sources, Google will no longer be showing AdWords ads on the right hand side of its search results pages.

Beginning Friday 19 February, ads will now only show ads at the top and bottom of the SERP. Although it may increase the number of ads from three to four if the search query is "highly commercial."

london hotel Google Search with right hand side ads

Here today, but not tomorrow.

This roll-out will effect users worldwide in all languages and will bring the desktop experience closer to the mobile experience, although whether the amount of ads shown to mobile users will increase hasn't been confirmed.

So what does this mean for marketers and users alike?

Well for regular users, the right-hand space will still be utilised for Product Listing Ads (PLAs) as well as Knowledge Graph Boxes, so you probably won't notice much of a difference there. However the continual 'pushing down' of organic listings will certainly be an issue for many of us.

For businesses this will mean the organic space is even more precious will therefore lead to an even bigger focus on SEO

For Paid Search advertisers the change will certainly drive up average CPCs as the competition for the top slots increases. It's gonna get ugly.

So why limit the amount of space for advertisers on its SERPs?

According to The Media Image (one of the first to break the story) the reason for this may well be because "Google has determined the average click-through-rate for Right Hand Side Ads is poor across verticals, and the expected CPC inflation from this major change is projected to more profitable in the long run."

The "complete and permanent" roll-out will be finalised on 22 February.

If you have anything to add to the story please comment below...

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Niche Marketing & Lifestyle Business Discussion

Niche Marketing Tutorial

I hosted two fun (and very candid) Q&A sessions on my niche marketing success, and on running a "lifestyle business" you ENJOY. They are full of live examples and great tips that you can implement in your own business right away!

Here are the replay links, and the highlights of the discussion...

Replay One | Replay Two

Click the links above to watch the interactive replays.

Here are just some of the topics we discussed during the live sessions:

A "Lifestyle Business" vs "Big Business"

I started out 19 years ago with more of a "big business" model and mindset, running a large electronics shop and then a web development company - both in the city with physical locations and a number of employees.

I then partnered in two other businesses, before ultimately leaving it all behind to move to the lake and work exclusively from my home office.

I don't regret that for a second. :)

I absolutely love the freedom & flexibility a "lifestyle business" affords me. I also love not having to manage people, offices, shops - and being able to travel the world with a laptop and ENJOY my life, and my work!

We're having a great discussion about it in the comments of this post, following the training to "scale up" to agency/corporate level at Traffic & Conversion Summit.

It was a GREAT event, but several of us there that do run a lifestyle business discussed how we loved the content - but were brainstorming ways to "scale it down" to a more fluid and enjoyable level.

I say... to each their own. Build a business you love, the way you want to do it. Don't let anyone tell you how to do it, or let any internal or external pressures convince you to build in a direction that would be anything less than FUN.

In 19 years of business I've done a little bit of everything, a variety of models in a variety of niches. The biggest thing I've learned in all those years is that there's more to life than money, taxes and bragging rights...

If you're not having FUN, and enjoying your life, you're not doing it right!

How To Write GREAT Product Reviews (Even For BORING Products)

I shared live examples of how I easily create product-based blog posts and product reviews, even for VERY boring products (lol) - and how well those convert.

And (surprisingly?) how much engagement I get on "product discussions". Including 21 shares & 68 likes on Facebook for a purely product-based list post!

One of my favorite quotes for bloggers is:

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." ~ Benjamin Franklin

You can read more on this, and see live examples from my own niche blog, in this post titled Writing A Blog Worth Reading. We also discussed "conversational disclosure" as a means of being transparent with your readers, and also including the required disclosure - without sounding boring. ?

Here are a few recent examples from my own niche blog:

24 Cool Low Carb Products Other Readers Bought on Amazon This Month

Can We Talk About... Probiotics? (And Other UNsexy Personal Stuff)

A Secret About... My LEGS :-)

In the webinar replays you'll discover why I often start with one blog post title, then later edit the post title. We also discussed "Affinity Marketing" and how to make otherwise irrelevant products... relevant and interesting to your audience!

What's A Realistic Way To Make Money Online... Fast?

This was a great question:

What is a REALISTIC way to start QUICKLY earning money online (REAL MONEY in the pocket of $150 to $250+ per week) WITHOUT working a regular JOB?

My advice: When you need money, start by selling anything that isn't nailed down and also lowering every expense you can. Get rid of things like Netflix, cable tv service, sell everything you can on eBay or Craigslist, etc.

As for making money, the fastest easiest way to make money online or from home is by offering services - or taking contract work. This will get "cash in your pocket" the fastest. You can work on building your own business for more long-term profit potential on the side, devoting 60-90 minutes a day to building your business while you take on service work to bring in the fast cash.

Check out Writer Help Wanted for everything you need to set up a service-based business, or take on FAST easy contract work to bring in some quick cash. This is my special link to get it half price, this month only - so take advantage of that! :)

You can read more about it here, but make sure you use the discount link above.

Perfection Not Required! Stop Holding Yourself Back...

I freely shared what's WRONG with my own niche site, and how I built a list of over 17,000 highly engaged subscribers... anyway!

It doesn't matter if you have the perfect wordpress theme, whether you have a "lead magnet" (ie opt-in incentive) created yet or not, or if you have all the pieces in place. You can always fix, add, improve and tweak as you go. They key is to just... GO!

Work fast, build fast, fix fast, fail fast even.

I recommend you watch this video & read this post:

Do you suffer from a "Failure to Launch" or a fear of failure? discover the ONE thing that will guarantee you to fail, and 7 simple solutions to the things that keep you from achieving success!

Cool Resources We Discussed

How to download Adobe Photoshop CS2 for free - legally

Create your own professional cover graphics for Info Products & Kindle books

Instagram Power: Build Your Brand and Reach More Customers

Be sure to join my free groups on Facebook too:

Weekly Marketing Challenge

Social Marketing Results

What is the best way to get traffic to your website?

Years ago this was the primary focus for any site owner, but right now your time is best spent building an audience - across the web, on a variety of properties. In the live session I explained that my top two sources for conversions are currently Facebook and email. The majority of my conversions don't even happen ON my website!

When you focus on building an actively engaged audience, you'll naturally get traffic to your website as a result. But don't make that primary focus.

Focus instead on serving your market where they are.

One of the reasons email is working so well for me on my niche site is because I use the Blog Broadcast feature in Aweber to send my full posts out to my subscribers.

The majority of my readers read my blog in their inbox - not on my website.

This is why contextual advertising is so important, meaning you should put your "money links" in the content area of your site/blog.

Another reason is because the majority of your readers may be reading your content on a tablet or mobile device - meaning they never see the sidebar or other static areas of your sites. So make sure your ads and money links are IN the content!

Funnel Marketing vs Building Relationships

I've been reading Russell Brunson's DotComSecrets book where he talks about funnels and qualifying subscribers and buyers immediately when they first come to your site. This seems counter to building a relationship before asking them to buy. What's your opinion?

Great question! The two actually work hand-in-hand.

First, read 3 Key Content Pieces as this explains how to qualify your visitors and subscribers, and how to "meet them where they are" and then strategically move them to and through your funnel - strategically.

You'll also want to see Funnel Hacking, which is my free bonus - and the detailed nitty-gritty how-to on creating high-converting funnels.

Building funnels and qualifying your traffic is actually a great way to build solid relationships, and to create an environment where you can best serve your market every step of the way.

The Power of "Audience Insights"

Dave asked: Lynn, have you had a chance to try out Ron's $5 Posts? If so, could you please describe how it worked for you? Thanks!

Dave is referring to the Quick Start Cheap Facebook Advertising training program by Ron Douglas - which is GREAT! If you use this link, and this coupon code: lt19special (that's lowercase "lt", as in LT), you can get it for half price right now. :)

One of the coolest things I learned from this course is the power of Audience Insights.

The fact is, Facebook knows everything about everyone!

The amount of data you can get by uploading your email list, or placing a pixel on your website, is nothing sort of AMAZING. Even if you never place a single ad, or do any paid advertising, this is an extremely powerful way to gain profitable insights into your market - insights you can easily use to expand your revenue sources!

Even if you have a very small list, or very little traffic, Facebook can create what's called a "lookalike audience" to dramatically expand your reach - by taking your limited data, and creating an audience highly similar to those you HAVE reached already... which is a super fast and easy way to dramatically increase your reach.

Highly recommended, definitely worth it - especially with our February coupon code. :) Click here to get it and use the lt19special coupon code to get the discount.

Schedule & Structure vs Creative Inspiration

Creative types are naturally disorganized and stifled by schedules. Then there are types that thrive on structure. My advice: don't try to work against your natural tendencies, your personality and preferences.

It's ideal to strike some kind of balance, one that works for you personally, so that you have some structure to the way you run your business... but also have the room to go with creative inspiration when it strikes you.

"Your fly by the seat of your pants success always inspires me because I often fall into the idea that I need to "fix myself" and get more organized. Then I hear what you've done "unorganized" and I'd be thrilled with half of it..."

I jokingly call my strategy: flying by the seat of my burning pants." :) LOL.

I'm in the process of adding more structure to my own business though - through strategic planning. See: Strategic Planning vs NOT Planning for more on that, and what it means exactly.

"Create At Least As Much Content As You Consume."

This is my personal policy, and one I highly recommend. It forces you to be more picky about what you read, and how you spend your time online. It also gets you in the habit of sharing and creating content consistently - which is super important.

As for me and my burning pants (lol), I find it easiest to work with what's in front of me at any given moment.

For example, while reviewing my Amazon sales stats for the month (ie consuming content), I turned right around and repurposed that sales data into a blog post.

My two favorite sayings on the topic of content creation:

Stop Blogging. Start Talking.

Stop Marketing - Start Serving your Market

If you would like to see me in action, you can watch over my shoulder here:

Fast, Easy Content Marketing!

Also check out How to find GREAT blog post ideas - Fast! for a tip that will have you pumping out awesome content consistently that your readers will love. :)

We also had a great discussion about what to do when the topic you're passionate about isn't necessarily a commercial topic. Or "how to monetize a niche where there's nothing to sell."

We also discussed why I don't use automation tools for my social marketing, and why you MUST be on Twitter! Plus this fun browser trick to increase your productivity. Oh - and how to use Google Adsense for "lead generation". :)

There were a lot of great questions, and it made for a fun discussion on current marketing strategies - and creative angles for doing business online.

Replay One | Replay Two

Click the links above to watch the interactive replays.


p.s. I would love to help you create a business you LOVE, or work with you to reach your true profit potential this year!

Find out how you can get my hands-on help in your business. To celebrate my 19th year in business, I temporarily reopened the cheap monthly option plus the Lifetime Access option (which is currently $500 off!) to make it easy for you to join.

When you join, not only will you get my personal attention and hands-on help every step of the way, you'll also get my popular Niche Success Blueprint and Social Marketing Results courses - so you can duplicate exactly what I'm doing. :)

Friday, February 19, 2016

Four Ads on Top: The Wait Is Over

Posted by Dr-Pete

For the past couple of months, Google has been testing SERPs with 4 ads at the top of the page (previously, the top ad block had 1-3 ads), leading to a ton of speculation in the PPC community. Across the MozCast data set, 4 ads accounted for only about 1% of SERPs with top ads (which matches testing protocol, historically). Then, as of yesterday, this happened:

Over the past 2 weeks, we've seen a gradual increase, but on the morning of February 18, the percentage of top ads blocks displaying 4 ads jumped to 18.9% (it's 19.3% as of this morning). Of the 5,986 page-1 SERPs in our tracking data that displayed top ads this morning, here's how the ad count currently breaks down:

As you can see, 4-ad blocks have overtaken 2-ad blocks and now account for almost one-fifth of all top ad blocks. Keep in mind that this situation is highly dynamic and will continue to change over time. At the 19% level, though, it's unlikely that this is still in testing.

Sample SERPs & Keywords

The 4-ad blocks look the same as other, recent top ad blocks, with the exception of the fourth listing. Here's one for "used cars," localized to the Chicago area:

Here's another example, from an equally competitive search, "laptops":

As you can see, the ads continue to carry rich features, including site-links and location enhancements. Other examples of high-volume searches that showed 4 top ads in this morning's data include:

    • "royal caribbean"
    • "car insurance"
    • "smartphone"
    • "netbook"
    • "medicare"
    • "job search"
    • "crm"
    • "global warming"
    • "cruises"
    • "bridesmaid dresses"

Please note that our data set tends toward commercial queries, so it's likely that our percentages of occurrence are higher than the total population of searches.

Shift in Right-column Ads

Along with this change, we've seen another shift - right-hand column ads seem to be moving to other positions. This is a 30-day graph for the occurrence of right-hand ads and bottom ads in our data set:

The same day that the 4-ad blocks jumped, there was a substantial drop in right-column ad blocks and corresponding increasing in bottom ad blocks. Rumors are flying that AdWords reps are confirming this change to some clients, but confirmation is still in progress as of this writing.

Where is Google Headed?

We can only speculate at this point, but there are a couple of changes that have been coming for a while. First, Google has made a public and measurable move toward mobile-first design. Since mobile doesn't support the right-hand column, Google may be trying to standardize the advertising ecosystem across devices.

Second, many new right-hand elements have popped up in the last couple of years, including Knowledge Panels and paid shopping blocks (PLAs). These entities push right-hand column ads down, sometimes even below the fold. At the same time, Knowledge Panels have begun to integrate with niche advertising in verticals including hotels, movies, music, and even some consumer electronics and other products.

This is a volatile situation and the numbers are likely to change over the coming days and weeks. I'll try to update this post with any major changes.

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9 Best Heatmap Tools and Plugins for Your WordPress Site

Do you wish that you had better insights into how your users interact with your website? Heatmap tools and plugins can help you visualize where users click, how far they scroll, and how they really use your site. In this article, we will show 9 Best heatmap tools and plugins for your WordPress site.

Heatmap Tools and Plugins

What is Heatmap?

A Heatmap allows you to visualize how visitors use your website. Heatmap tools provide an overlay on top of your pages showing areas with more activity as hotter than the areas with low user activity.

Heatmap tools offer visual analytics about which areas your users click, look, and scroll. This information helps you understand usability issues with your website and optimize it for better conversions and user experience.

These tools are different than other analytics tools like Google Analytics. Traditional analytics tools provide you information like how users came to your site, what pages they view, and how they move from one page to another.

Heatmaps analytics tools tell you how users actually use and interact with your site design.

Having said that, here are the best heatmap tools and plugins for your WordPress site.

1. Crazy Egg


Crazy Egg is probably the most popular heatmap tool available in the market today. It offers click heatmaps, mouse cursor heatmaps, and scroll heatmaps. It offers another useful feature called confetti heatmap.

Confetti heatmap by Crazy Egg allows you to divide the heatmap data into traffic sources. This means you can see how users from social networks, search, or other sources interact with your website.

Crazy Egg is extremely easy to add into a WordPress website. They even have a plugin that makes installation a breeze.

The pricing for Crazy Egg starts from $9/ month for 10,000 visitors and 10 active pages. Their most popular plan is called Plus, which offers 100,000 visits, 50 active pages, and hourly reports for $49/month. All plans come with one month free trial.

Unlike other heatmap tools, Crazy Egg does not limit your usage to per site, this means you can use the same account on multiple websites.

2. Mouseflow


Mouseflow is another easy to use heatmap tool for WordPress users. Mouseflow offers click heatmaps, scroll heatmaps, movement heatmap, and attention heatmap.

It also offers recording of website visitor activity. This means you can look at a user interacting with your site. Another useful feature offered by Mouseflow is form analytics, which allows you to see why users are abandoning your forms.

Mouseflow also allows you to track funnels. You can also set custom funnels so that you can see how users from different traffic sources behave differently on your site.

Pricing for Mouseflow starts at $19/month for 1,000 recorded sessions limited to 1 website. Prices increase with more recorded sessions and websites you add to your plan. Mouseflow also offers a free plan limited to 100 recorded sessions for a single site.

3. Lucky Orange

Lucky Orange

Lucky Orange is another popular choice in heatmap analytics. They offer heatmap tracking for clicks, movement, and scroll depth. Apart from that, they also offer session recording and traffic segmentation.

It also comes with forms analytics, conversion funnels, visitor polls, and a live chat software that you can add to your website. The list of feature covers almost everything that you would want from a heatmap tool.

The pricing for Lucky Orange starts from $10 / month for 25,000 page views on single site.

4. Inspectlet


Inspectlet is a very powerful session recording and heatmap service. It covers all three types of heatmap tracking: clicks, cursor movement, and scrolling.

They also offer conversion funnel analytics with very powerful filtering feature. There is a robust tagging filter, which you can use to tag individual users. This way you can see how they interact on returning visits. Inspectlet also provides form analytics to understand and optimize your lead generation.

Pricing for Inspectlet starts from $39 per month with 5000 recorded sessions limited to 1 site. They also offer a free plan limited to 100 recorded sessions for a single site.

5. claims to be one of the simplest to use heatmap analytics tool in the market. It is easy to install and comes with a very small JavaScript code that loads asynchronously without slowing down your website.

Unlike some tools in this list, offers real time heatmaps. You can see how users are interacting with your site live. It also respects privacy of your users by not logging unnecessary data. offers a free plan limited to 5 pages on 1 site. Their paid plans start with $100 per month for unlimited pages on a single site.

6. Ptengine


Ptengine provides heatmap and web analytics tool packed into one. It offers click, conversion tracking, scroll and attention heatmaps. They also offer A/B testing between two heatmaps, which is a useful feature for designers testing different interfaces.

Their web analytics features include device segmentation, campaign performance, one click filters, and page analysis.

Pricing at Ptengine starts from $7 per month for 1 site, 5 heatmaps, and 25K pageviews. They also offer a free plan with 1 heatmap on a single site limited to 1000 pageviews.

7. Clicktale


Clicktale is another popular choice for heatmaps analytics. They offer a very powerful session recording technology and great in-depth heatmaps analysis features. But he biggest advantage is that they offer integrations with other analytics tools that you may already be using, like Google Analytics, Optimizely, Google Tag Manager, etc.

Clicktale has heatmaps, session recording, conversion analytics, advanced analytics, etc.

Clicktale does not have pricing information listed on their website. Instead, you will have to contact their sales teams to request a demo and then discuss the pricing.

8. SeeVolution


SeeVolution offers a very easy to use way to include heatmaps on a WordPress site. They have plugins for all popular CMS, including WordPress. Apart from easy installation, they also offer a very clean and nice dashboard that helps users understand the data they are seeing.

Heatmaps by SeeVolution include clicks, scrolling, mouse interactions and movement heatmaps. They also include site wide analytics to give you an overview of your site's performance.

SeeVolution offers a free plan for 1000 visits limited to 1 site. Their paid plans start from $79 per month for 2 domains. They also offer 14 day free trial on all their plans.

9. Hotjar


Hotjar is powerful suite of apps bundled into one analytics and conversion optimization tool. It combines heatmaps, session recordings, funnels, form analytics, polls & surveys, and a recruiter tool to get testers.

They offer click, tap, scroll, and mouse movement heatmaps. With session recording and conversion funnels you can discover and fix usability issues on your site. Hotar's reporting dashboard is intuitive and easy to use.

Their pricing plans start from $29 per month for 10,000 page views and snapshot size of 2,000 visits for heatmaps, forms and recordings. They also offer a limited free plan, which you can use to try it out.

We hope this article helped you find the best heatmap tools and plugins for your WordPress site. You may also want to see our list of 9 best WordPress SEO plugins and tools that you should use

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