Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The 21 Social Media Conversations You’re Going to Face: How to Master Them All

On social media—whether you’re a business, a brand, or an individual—you’ll likely come across plenty of different conversations — each presenting a unique challenge. For instance:

How do you appease an angry commenter?

How do you handle a technical question?

What to do with a troll?

It can feel overwhelming.

If you take a step back and examine the emotions and psychology in play during each conversation, things can become a lot clearer and you can start to formulate your replies in a more timely and understanding manner.

We’d love to offer up some templates and tips on how to respond to 21 unique conversations you’re likely to face on social media. 

Let’s get started!

pablo (1)

1. Responding to a question


This is probably one of the most common conversations you’ll come across in your day-to-day business. Oftentimes, questions will be focused around practical topics like how to use a product or what advice you have for others in your niche, but it’s also worth being prepared for conversations around personal info, company vision, culture and the team.

The emotion behind the conversation: Inquisitive, confused. 
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