The 4th Quarter is on us. As I write this, we have just 93 days left in the year...
How will you look back on 2015?
Will it be with excuses and regrets? Or will you look back on this last quarter with a huge sense of accomplishment and an awesome success story to tell?
It doesn't matter if you haven't yet met your goals for the year. What matters right now is how you FINISH.
You still have plenty of time to totally turn things around in your favor... and achieve amazing things! I'm going to help you do exactly that in this quick post.
Your Ambitious Goal For 2015
Decide what you want to achieve before year-end. Be as ambitious as you please! Dream BIG, even. Figure out exactly what you want to accomplish, then get to work mapping out a very specific action plan to make it happen.
Start TODAY!
You know what you want to achieve - now get to work and MAKE it happen.
No excuses allowed.
If you're not sure how to do something, learn it - or outsource it. Do not allow excuses to become your regrets. REFUSE to fail! If you need help, find that help. Reach out and ask questions, do some research, but don't waste time. Know what you need to know, find it, and get to work on implementation. Work fast.
Have doubts? Put them away.
Have fears? Who doesn't?!
Just DO IT.
- What do you most want to achieve this year?
Outline an ambitious but achievable goal for the 4th Quarter. Get strategic. What would benefit you most, or do the most good in your business? Consider the ONE thing that would have the most impact.
- What is holding you back from your goal?
Journal out all the reasons and excuses why you have not yet reached this goal. Look over each of those points carefully and determine if they are real... or just imagined. Figure out what is REALLY holding you back from your goal, and FIX that.
- How are you spending your time?
How are you currently spending your time each day, and each week? Is the way you spend your time in line with achieving your highest priorities? Tip: Keep a Time Log for the next 72 hours and track exactly how you spend your time. Compare that to your goals and priorities.
- What can you do MORE of, and LESS of?
After analyzing your schedule and your Time Log, decide what you should do less of, and what you should spend more time doing instead. Create a schedule that allows you to focus on your priorities, and CREATE the time in your schedule to implement your Q4 Action Plan.
- Fast Forward: What Is Your Story?
As a brainstorming exercise, journal out "your story". Fast forward to January 2016 and imagine the story you'll tell your best friend, your mentor or coach, or your industry peers. What did you accomplish? How did you do it? How does that FEEL?
You have two choices: regret & excuses... or success.
Which is it going to be?
What do you need to DO to make this year a SUCCESS?
Now get out there and do it!
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