Sunday, August 30, 2015

Is The “Internet Marketing Lifestyle”… Realistic?

I just returned from an out-of-country beach trip with girl friends, and while I was away someone shared the video above on my Facebook profile. Interesting timing for Gary Vaynerchuk to share this particular message. Interesting indeed.

I have something I want to share with you on this point - which was a GREAT point, by the way - but first, here's where I was sitting when I watched that video myself...

I actually DO "make money enjoying my life" just the way it was mentioned in the video above. It sounds like a scam, or like something you would read in an Internet Marketing sales letter. I realize that. But I do want you know it IS possible.

I can say that, because... I'm living it.

I was literally sitting in a beachfront apartment (above) enjoying the ocean view when I got the notification about that new video.

I even make money while I'm sleeping, just like the video said.

Sometimes I even make MORE money while I'm on the beach, or asleep, than I do when I'm awake or "at work". Passive income is a GREAT thing!

(You can relax. I don't have anything to sell you, lol...)

This CAN be your reality (too). But as Gary said in that video, it does take real work. Not some sleezy push-button product, or magic solution. Internet Marketing is not like a Vegas slot machine. Internet Marketing means marketing on the internet.

It means providing real solutions to real people, or even selling real products to real people. The internet is simply an amazing tool for running a highly rewarding and successful business... from anywhere.

We can blame scammers, sales letters or big red headlines for the misconceptions about Internet Marketing. But the fact is, they only work because there's a problem with the mass mindset. Because people believe they can buy happiness - or success.

Are people "tricked"... or do they trick themselves?

Any TRUE entrepreneur is well aware of and deeply familiar with personal responsibility, common sense, taking smart risks, and turning even the worst investments into a return.

Those smarmy sales letters and spammers don't target true entrepreneurs. They prey on the type of people that would never survive the business world anyway.

Gary mentioned "practical passive income" - but what does that mean exactly?

It means you're running a real business that serves a real purpose for real people.

As far as the passive income aspect of your business, it will only be a percentage of your business profit. There's another percentage of your revenue that will most certainly be "active income", or a percentage of your time spent maintaining and growing your business... AS you continue enjoying your lifestyle and your success.

THAT is reality.

It's even MY reality.

Gary talked about goals and ambitions too, and how "$60,000/year in passive income online" is "more practical than millions". Saying you want to be a millionaire or "make millions online" is a pie-in-the-sky intangible goal.

It's not even a goal...

It's just a fantasy daydream.

Fact: NOTHING is "100% automated".

Even if it were, it would take quite a bit of energy and effort to set it up... and it would only last a certain amount of time. Usually a short amount of time.

I say this to you from more than 18 years experience working online.

18+ years of running a real - successful - business, and "living the lifestyle"...

I love being able to work (and play) from anywhere in the world!

The evening view from my "Canadian home office" above White Rock Beach this week... :-)

Posted by Lynn Terry on Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A change of scenery does wonders for creative inspiration.

So does brainstorming with friends and peers...

Find time this week for both.

A change of scenery does wonders for creative inspiration. As does brainstorming with friends and peers...Find time...

Posted by Lynn Terry on Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"Use Your Talents."

I liked Gary's point about putting in the work to get the outcome, and specifically when he said "use your talents." This is what it's all about. It's not just about money and lifestyle, but about a business that is so rewarding it actually ties into WHO YOU ARE - and your ideal lifestyle. That's the real WIN!

When you love what you do, and your work and your life are so ingrained that you're basically "a walking tax deduction", and you make money just BEING YOU, that... is success. And THAT is when you start reaching your income goals.

Is The “Internet Marketing Lifestyle”… Realistic?

The answer is YES.

It's realistic for me, at least. Like I said in the beginning, I do realize I'm in the minority. I'm out there traveling the world, living my life, enjoying life, and running a rewarding business I love at the same time.

It's not because I'm "lucky" though. It's certainly not because I pushed a magic button. It's not the result of a "promise of internet riches" product I ordered online either.

I worked hard to build both a business and a lifestyle I wanted.

You have to set real goals. You have to take personal responsibility for your actions and decisions, for your business - and the success of your business. You have to make smart choices. You have to be realistic about what you want, and about what you're willing to sacrifice and DO to GET what you want.

YOU, and you alone, have to MAKE it happen.

Some things won't work out. Ditch them, and find things that do. Keep testing, keep working, keep building. Keep doing more of what does work, and less of what doesn't. The only way to "fail at it" is to stop. As long as you're DOING, you're moving toward success - or more success.

The Dream Lifestyle vs The Perfect Life

While I do have that "dream lifestyle" of making money in my sleep, or while I'm having margaritas on the beach, my life is not "perfect". Far from it, actually. In my next post I'll tell you WHY, and share more about... the flip side of it all.

Stay tuned! :-)


p.s. It's not ALL "play" - even when it seems like it, or looks like it. I love my lifestyle, and I do play a lot, but you've probably heard me use the phrase "always working, always playing". Often, when I'm having the BEST time, I'm also "working" - or tying it into my work, and ultimately profiting from it...

Hanging out with Alice Seba is always a great time! We first met in person 11 years ago in Chicago and most recently got...

Posted by Lynn Terry on Thursday, August 27, 2015

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